Keeping Our Energy Reserves Safe
The energy sector consisting of power plants, dams, electrical grids, and oil and gas refineries, are the backbone of a country's economy. SSK understands the critical role that energy resources play in our everyday lives. This is why we have customised our services to cater to the specific needs of this sector. From production centres and administrative offices to transportation and delivery, we ensure safety and security of our energy resources.
Meeting New Challenges In The Energy Sector
The energy sector today is prone to many new challenges. There is a greater need today to protect assets and infrastructure from theft and malicious attacks. Replacement of lost, stolen, and damaged, assets and infrastructure can add a considerable overhead to the operational expenses of an organization. To add to this, premises of energy organizations are especially vulnerable to outside attacks. A security breach in the premises of an energy supplier can have far reaching effects on the economy of a nation and on the everyday lives of the general public.
SSK can offer you peace of mind and contribute to the undisturbed lifestyle of the general public by ensuring safety and security of energy installations and premises. We adopt an intelligent approach towards security through proactive risk assessments and vulnerability study of the energy company and its premises. Corrective steps are implemented based on the findings from such security assessments.
SSK employs trained security personnel who can provide all-round security to organizations. We put effort to understand the security needs of the company and provide security accordingly. As a result, our clients benefit from uninterrupted operations and genuine peace of mind.