Safe And Secure Shopping
Retail is a booming sector that is growing by leaps and bounds. With fast paced development and rapid commercialisation, new retail avenues have mushroomed across cities and towns.
Retail sectors see high footfall, especially on weekends and holidays. As customers come to relax and enjoy a great shopping experience, the owners of retail complexes have the responsibility to ensure their safety and security. A shopping complex that does not offer good security will rarely see customers returning back to it. Another factor which makes security a necessity in retail stores is the large amount of stock stored in them and the consequential need to prevent theft and shoplifting incidents.
Secure Your Retail Complex With Our Tailored Security Solutions
SSK provides customised solutions that are tailored as per the needs of the retail business and the structural layout of the building. We deploy trained security personnel at all pivotal points to make your customers feel safe and discourage people with malicious intents. Our personnel will also assist the mall management and retail unit owners with crowd control during special events.
We have a streamlined incident management system that helps our security officers to respond to security incidents effectively and in a discreet manner so as to cause minimum disruption to other shoppers.
Stop Losing Revenue To Theft
Every year, a huge amount of money is lost due to theft and robbery in retail places. Having the right security arrangement can prevent this loss and increase your revenue, as well as encourage customers to visit your mall or shopping complex more often.